Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's is a c'mon, and I've got a gun....

Managed to pop out 22 Valentine's that look like miniature paratroopers, in honor of the US Soldiers we adopted- I did, mention, right? that we adopted two US Soldiers, in the same unit? That we've essentially "Twins" as Fox calls them?

Well. If not, we did.

So, naturally, F wants me to be All Creative and pop out 22 matching totally cutie valentines. Which I did. Pink hot glue gun in one hand, burned to a crisp totally ruined mani on the other; there are glue wispies in my hair. ARG. However. Instead of doing that whole Let's Write Everyone's name on them?


I bought those adorable Made With Love Martha Stewart line stickies, so all he had to do was sign his name, affix to top of coffee filter used as parachute, glued to ribbon, in turned, glued to Dum Dum pop, and place in bag.

Is adorable.

Is all I'm doing for this years Valentine's day. I'm done. This Doing The Holiday's Single but Putting On The Brave Face For Son? Is for the birds. I don't want to think about all the lovey couples out there, when I'm not one of them. Especially to find out that all those years he was with me, he couldn't tell me he loves me, but he can tell her? After knowing her a nanosecond? I get it, it's him, not me; but part of me?

Wonders if yet again, really, the problem is me.

I've put together our box, for The Twins; it goes in the mail today. I swear. Today it will. I'll make them each a valentine paratrooper, so they'll laugh. And send a card, snail mail, since they get like, no mail over there.

And, I'll send one to my girlfriend, who's got it worse than I do this year, to remind her that we love her, we think of her, and that yes, sometimes, life sucks. But we've not forgotten her, solo, or as a couple. She'll know what I mean.

But sucking together? Way less suckey than sucking alone. :)

For those of you in love? Cherish the moment; even if Hallmark inspired it. Don't waste a second getting in that good night kiss, or pass up a chance to touch them; always always always say I love you.

Do it for those of us who can't this year.

And who certainly aren't going to get a date anytime soon, when I've got to call salon, book appointment for haircut, because - that's right - hot glue does NOT come out of one's hair.

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