Saturday, February 6, 2010

Late late late.

Am supposed to be on road.

Received impromptu drink invite: texted yes.

I know. Shocked me too.

Whipped home from seeing a client, (Fox with his father, as you may recall) jumped in shower, decided to take hacksaw to legs. Had cutie slides all picked out (black, with tassels - sounds ugly? is very cutieish - hello, they're Lilly - a million years old) to go with jeans with boxers on them (Lilly, 5 years old) black sweater bought with AM at outlet mall. Turtleneck sweater. Not suggestive. Not racy. Could wear suggestive racy bra, though; he won't be seeing it. That's for me. Yep. Am wearing sexy bra.

Oh, yeah - the legs. Need new shoe choice, as sliced open one knee, and both ankles - downside to small child: only Snoopy bandaids on hand. Very obvious. Even under hem of jeans. Damn. At least didn't ruin new manicure with razor, during Dangerously Overgrown Shaving Adventure. Maybe less adventure, and more....chore.

Think I could be procrastinating. Now means I have to send I'm Running A Wee Tad Behind text, so he doesn't think I'm rudely standing him up; instead, will call it Making An Entrance.

Will do make-up in car. Then, if end up in total panic, can call, from ...somewhere...on the road and claim child emergency. Or something.

I hate dating.

Left dog to own devices, (Idiot Owner Award, Please Send Here) - she's cleaned out bathroom trash. Redecorated living room rug with trash. Is not my style.

I voiced opinion; she's hiding back in kennel (aka the kitchen) which is good, since she should've already been in there, being bitchy because I'd already left.

Is 5:46.

Still here. Debating shoes. Fighting with self to get in car, drive to destination, and THEN throw up. Is no big deal. Is only drinks. Right. How hard can drinks be?

Is much easier with P and J there. Then, if I fall out of seat, spill liquor, end up yelling across bar for bartenders attention? They find me charmingly amusing, not drunken slob. Or a cross thereof. ooohhhhhh.....maybe, should send email as to location, thus, perhaps, they'll join us.

Is now 5:48.

No time. They already have plans, I am sure.


I'm leaving. I swear.

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