Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lego Hell, Pop Tarts, and Pirate Pistachios

Pop tarts are not delicious.

This has nothing to do with Lego's, which is, what I'm supposed to conquer today - the zillion and one Lego sets, in various boxes, bins, baskets, couch cushions, fruit bowl, and my personal favorite: my bath tub.

Yep. The tub is overrun with Lego Pirates, who were using my ten pound bag of still in their shell pistachios for a raft. So when I spent a week, no less, lamenting the lost pistachios (it takes a lot, let me just add, to lose TEN POUNDS OF NUTS IN SHELLS!) no one pipped up about them being part of the Dread Fox's Crew of Scurvy Mates in the tub.  I've collected Legos from all three floors, inside all stuffed furniture, the dog toy bin, which is when the Real Dilemma set in: one box, or several? Do I alphabetize, City, Pirate, Star Wars, Trains - individual little boxes under what used to be Declan's table (may he rest in peace, or at the very least, not in an air duct, so may my house not smell) or, do I dump into one box, with books for putting them together in the other one?

Took a break, chatted with AM - should you be wondering? That guy that I went on a dog walk with? Who brought coffee, got a thank you note from me, couldn't wait to see me again? Changed his mind. Really, no biggie, as it's not as though my heart does anything other than beat just enough to stay alive on any given day, that day being no different. The fact that he'd seen me with M? Well. My heart barely beat at all.

Which is when I ate the pop tart.

According to AM, who's wicked smaht, dumping them in one box is the best idea, it prolongs the experience of finding the right piece to build whatever it is that's being built, also lengthening the amount of time lapsing between each ear splitting MOOOOOMMMMM - of course, she did agree, in my house, the frustration level could reach atmospheric proportions. Either way, Lego box requires a lid. Pucker has an affinity for Legos (so far, we've been lucky, they've all arrived out one end or the other) but I dread the day that they.....don't.

Quite frankly? I've had it stepping on them in the dead of night, when I can't sleep, so I move to the sofa, upstairs or down, try to find the cozy side of wherever; all I find? Angular sharpishness so ouchy I end up waking the entire house I'm trying to get away from.

I finally gave up. Too big a job for today. Went to the outlets instead, the William's Sonoma store only, to find the perfect sized cookie scoop for the chocolate chip cookie dough that's aging for three days in my fridge. Look, don't ask me why - the recipe called for it, my friend J swears by it, so I'm trying it. If it makes a difference, I'll keep you posted.

Found the scoop, four new tea mugs, (new years call for new tea mugs - it's an old Indian thing) so when Mag's, or K and the new baby, or K, or J or whomever come for tea? I've four matching ones, that also match the tea pot. Made a cursory look for Lego Binnish type items, hmm, odd, I came up empty.

I ate the other pop tart, just to see if perhaps, a time change added some flavor.

Notes: Lego Hell lives to see another day, tupperware is for masochists, new tea cups really did brighten my day.

Oh, yes.

Pop tarts? Still not delicious.

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