Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I've had, for lack of a better way to say it, one of those blindingly painful several months of ex induced agony, coupled with a serious consideration about where my relationship is/was headed, and, whether or not I was strong enough to take on anything more pressing that what exactly, I would be serving for dinner. Should have been an easy choice: we had either breakfast items, or, well, breakfast items. For like a month. Sadly, still, wasn't an easy choice - I would have preferred to crawl into a hole and stay there.

However. I have learned a great many things, like you do indeed find your greatest strength in the moments of weakness. And, truly, there is no bad time to eat already cooked breakfast sausages. By the dozen. Because turkey sausage, has way fewer calories than regular, and, it comes in this amazing maple flavor of which I've become increasingly fond.

So, in light that the New Year has arrived, along with several days spent indoors due to Weather Related Conditions (ie, school was closed due to ice and snow, so we played Eskimo and stayed inside) I've had plenty of time to think about where I'd like to go this year, as I've had it up to my eyeballs with last year. It was, you know, so last year.

Thus, I'll take time to count my blessings (see below):

Obviously my little guy, who not only has a new hamster, but, gave me a camera so I am able to actually capture some of the funniest/cutiest moments ever, and shar them, with our loved ones

M. Sweet, adorable, slightly screwed up M; and his dog, Mac, aka Thunderpaws, who has taken to eating linolium (not mine) and breaking furniture (mine). Apparently, labs are neither graceful, nor terribly smart.

Sure, I love my job; not that I'm raking in huge chunks of cash, but, in light of the market, the cutbacks, layoffs and unemployment, perhaps, I should feel lucky I still have a job, and worry less on becoming say, solely independant financially, and just keep plodding along.

Lastly, this is a biggie, a great pal moved closer - half the country closer!! So maybe, just maybe, they'll visit us, in MA, and meet my little guy. Maybe? Yes?

Am now, getting beyond playing the Looking Busy ast Work game, I should return to the land of fiscally responsible (or not!) clients, and attend to more pressing things....like whether or not I look as bad in the sweater I'm wearing as the woman down the hall from us does; we're wearing the same freaking sweater. If I look like her, please, harpoon me.