Saturday, March 27, 2010

Did you know...

...originally Jack o' Lanterns were made from turnips.

....a spiders silk is stronger than steel.

....other than humans, the only other primate with blue eyes is the black lemur.

...the blue hairs you see in dollar bills, are actually ground up blue jeans.

...the F-bomb is dropped 186 in the movie "Super Bad" - more than in the infamous Scarface which provided the number for the band, Blink 182 - because that's the number of F-bombs dropped there.

*we've never heard of them.

...a hedgehog heart beats 300 times a minute on average.

...a face off in hockey was originally called a "puck off"

...woodpeckeres scalp, porpoise teeth, and giraffe tails, have all been used as money - where on God's Green Earth remains at large -

...the oldest pig on Earth lived to be 68 years old. In human years, not pig years.

...a man who wore a beard during the time of Peter The Great, had to pay extra tax. (maybe for the lice they were feeding)

...in ancient Rome, it was a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose....which is pathetic, since most romans were born with a crooked penis. Wonder what that means

...Sean Connery wore a toupee (NO SHIT!) in EVERY James Bond movie starting with "Dr. No" in 1962

...it takes 81 days of rain in 70 degree weather, in Iowa, to grow corn

...it is illegal to be a whore in Sienna, Italy, if your name is Mary. No wonder there's so many of them!

...nearly 22,000 checks will be deducted from the WRONG accounts in the next HOUR

...apples are actually part of the rose family

....cherry trees are fertilized by ants (never plant near a house or standing structure, you'll be inundated)

...every second American's collectively eat 100 pounds of chocolate

...Venus is the other planet that rotates clockwise....which means, that men are always backwards

...on average, half of all false teeth have some sort of radioactivity

...according to US FDA standards for Orange Juice, one cup of juice is allowed to contain 10 fruit fly eggs, but only two maggots. (OMG OMG OMG OMG - good thing I like V8)

....contrary to popular belief, there are no penguins at the North Pole

...I never wanted to be a divorcee, I wanted to be widowed

...the largest eggs in the world are laid by a shark - but wait, I thought they had live births? must check this fact

....under extreme stress, some octipuses will eat their own arms

...Mag's and I should not be allowed alone with this app on her phone for hours...I'm already a warehouse of useless info, she's simply adding to it

...coffee drinkers have more sex than non-coffee drinkers .... stuck out in the wilderness? dandylion root can be roasted and ground as coffee substitute - but trust me on this one? you drink that after dragging my ass camping? you're still not getting laid

...to "testify", originated in the Roman Court, where a man would validate his statement by swearing on his testicles

...a barnacle has the largest penis compared to any other animal in the world in relation to it's size...so inch for inch boys, the barnacle wins, hands down

...there are more telephones than people in Washington, DC.

...the first alarm clock made could only ring at 4 am

and finally........

...per capita, South Africa, has the most assaults, rapes, and murders with firearms...and we brought them here again, why? Or perhaps, more important to ask, how? Why didn't our forefathers get raped and shot?

Food for thought. Happy Saturday Morning. If you've any interesting tidbits, please post!!


  1. Hey Rosebud - did you know the tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body? Why my husband can't figure out how to use it, I'll never know -

  2. Both Hitler and Napoleon both were missing one testicle - clearly, they needed to act like a dick to make up for what they didn't have.

  3. 35% of people using personal ads for dating are ALREADY married. SO WRONG. Been waiting for a forum to share that one - thanks R, for your humor! Love your stuff!!!
