Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I like sleep.

No, really, I adore sleep.

Eight hours at a crack, in a row, totally unimpeded by small dogs, children, peeping frogs, chirping crickets, annoying early morning birds....so what if one needs a wee touch of help to get there? That's why NyQuil is an over the counter med. Along with a whole host of other remedies - either way, to wake (okay, so I sort of overslept and Lovely J had to call and wake my sorry backside, after his kids were on the bus and it was headed my way - details, details) sans hangover, to skip to the coffee maker (skipping being a term very loosely - I am NOT a morning person, no matter how well I've slept) begin the day with a gesture of good will not stemming from my beloved Communication Finger.

I even (gasp!) took Pucker Up to Tufts for a good long walk (for moi) run (for Fattypants) while chatting nicely with some other early morning walkers with their pets.

I think I even smiled. With my teeth. Kind of unheard of that early in the am.

The walking humans were lovely. Their pups? Many of whom need to learn that muddy paws do not belong anywhere near the upper regions of my body. Or really, on me at all. Now, my own pet is still "learning" the art of Four On The Floor; however, the oversized ugly-ass poodle (with the Snooty Cut no less!) who went swimming in mud had no business planting her stupid looking mud-covered fluff-balled paws on J's sweater.

Hmmmm. Perhaps should have skipped exactly whose clothing got mauled.

Anyhoo. Back to me.

Tis not even 10am, my child is in a collared shirt worthy of photo day (not, mind you, the Dread Fox the Pirate Shirt he sported last time - this one has dead fish on it) my dog walked, run, tongue lolling out the window now curled up in bed, and I, airing out the house, am pondering just which project I shall tackle on this unusually glorious day in April.

Perhaps, I shall begin with a coffee on the deck, and begin some long overdue painting.

I'd consider using some electric and totally cool looking tools in my garage - but I'm not up for an ER visit, followed by a yelled lecture of the WTF WERE YOU THINKING??????? variety.

I gather, at this point, with one more cup of coffee under my belt, the sharpest tool I'm up to engaging is a razor: today is a totally smooth leg in baby skirt worthy day.

Aha! A visitor has arrived!

Am off - do enjoy the day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Are you finally sleeping?! LOL. What a change for you!
